An island. A tree, a bell house and a young woman. Gestures that are repeated, day after day, and mark the slow passage of time – going to pray at the grave of a murdered father or using an old voice recorder as a diary. Actions that return, with their subtle variations, until something sinister and prophetic, an echo of the outside world, breaks into everyday life changing the course of things.
With Magdalena Korpas, Emma & Viola Deiana, Pinuccio Derosas
Written & directed by Michele Salimbeni
Produced by Stanis Ledda, Denis Zanette, Manon Decor & Michele Salimbeni
With the collaboration of Il Cavallo d'acciaio
Photography & Editing - Olivier Tellier
Sound record & design - Clément Duclos
Piano - Nagino Maruyama
1.37:1 - 2K Color - Stereo
77 minutes, 2023